User roles

When you invite or add a user, you can individually define which access the added user should have to the functions and settings in the account. Learn how to invite or add other users here.

You can assign the following user roles to other users:

Default User → Such users can upload invoices, edit companies, check reports.

Administrator → Can do everything that a default user can do, plus editing account and subscription settings and user management.

Upload only → Is only able to upload his receipts and invoices. He cannot see other invoices.

Upload and Update only → Is only able to upload his receipts and invoices. Can update his one receipts and invoices. He cannot see other invoices.

Read-only User → Read only users can only view and download invoices, companies and can check the synchronisation Status.

Workflow only → The user only has access to the workflow for which he has been assigned. They have no access to other documents or settings.